Cc: Dauphinee, Bev ;
href="javascript:press_email('')">Laurent Le Pierres
Bob Howse
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 12:24 PM
Subject: Accurate views.
June 9,2005
The Editor,
The Halifax Herald.
Dear Editor:
The statements by Ken Whitehead [Letter:"Biased
views"June 9] are baseless. My views,on the Israeli practices in the occupied
territories, are accurate and are corroborated by all international human rights
bodies, including Israeli human rights groups.
I have lived the
Palestine/Israel conflict all my life and saw what crimes Israel has
committed against myself and my people. I saw the destruction of my own home and
my entire village, Beit Nuba, together with neighbouring villages, by the
Israeli armed forces in 1967, and our eviction from our homeland.
I challenge Mr. Whitehead, or anybody else, to show
a single statement of mine on this conflict that is not accurate.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid.