Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 8:11 PM
Subject: " Falsification of history".
June 11, 2002
The Editor,
The Halifax Herald.
Dear Editor:
I am accused of misrepresentation by Larry Riteman {"
Misrepresentation" June 11}. Let us look at the facts. I stated: " Before a
single Arab army soldier entered Palestine, on May 15, 1948[on the termination
of British government in Palestine], the Zionist forces had driven out 350,000
Palestinians from their homes and occupied scores of cities[including Jaffa and
Acre] and towns assigned for a Palestinian state in the UN resolution # 181."
These are the facts, documented by UN agencies and Israeli and international
historians. Scores of massacres, like the massacre of Deir Yassin, on April
9,1948, before British troops left and Arab armies entered Palestine, were
committed by the Zionist forces. Israeli history researcher, Uri Milstein,
celebrated in Israel as the dispeller of myths, confirms the evaluation
regarding the volume of massacres reported by another Israeli historian, Ariyeh
Yitzhaki, and goes further: " If Yitzhaki claims that there were murders in
almost every [Palestinian] village, then I say up to the inception of
Israel, every event of fighting ended in a massacre of Arabs. There
were massacres of Arabs in all of Israel's wars, but I have no doubt that the
War of Independence was the dirtiest [emphasis added] ." Dov Joseph, a later
Minister of Justice of Israel called the Deir Yassin massacre a "deliberate and
unprovoked attack", while the noted British historian, Professor Arnold Toynbee
described it as '" comparable to crimes committed against the Jews by the
As to who started the offensive war, Menachem Begin,
leader of the Irgun Zvei Leumi terrorist group, tells it as it
was : " In Jerusalem, as elsewhere, we were the first to pass from the defensive
to the offensive....Arabs began to flee in terror. Hagana was carrying
out successful attacks on other fronts while all the Jewish forces proceeded to
advance through Haifa like a knife through butter. The Arabs began to
flee in panic shouting 'Deir Yassin'." He added: " in the months preceding the
Arab invasion, and while five Arab states were conducting preparations, we
continued to make sallies into Arab territory. The conquest of Jaffa stands out
as an event of first rate importance." { Begin, Menachem, " The Revolt :
Story of the Irgun" New York, Henry Schuman, 1951}.
It is true that the Arab nations and the Palestinians rejected
the Partition resolution, because it was unjust, and it violates the UN Charter.
On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly passed the reolution #181. This
resolution was passed under pressure and coercion against certain Latin
American, Asian and African states, by the US. Under-Secretary of State Sumner
Welles stated : " By direct order of the White House, every form of pressure,
direct and indirect, was used to make sure that the necessary majority would be
gained." At that time, the Jews constituted one third of the population of
Palestine and owned 5.6% of the land. This resolution apportioned to the Jewish
state 56% of the land and only 43% to the Christian and Muslim Arabs, who owned
over 90% of the land. Jerusalem, as a Corpus Separatum. Is it
surprising that the Palestinians objected to this unjust resolution
Ms. Fran Morrison [" Ethnic cleansing" June 11] has got her
facts wrong. She states that " Jerusalem was made Juden Rein [cleansed
of Jews], 1948 to 1967, under Jordanian rule." That is in error. The Western
part of Jerusalem, which constitutes over 70% of the city area was occupied
by Israel and was cleansed of all its Muslim and Christian citizens, who owned
over 60% of that area. They were systematically driven out and never
allowed to return. Indeed, international law prohibits the destruction of
property, including religious sites and cemetries. The Jewish cemetery on Mount
of Olives in East Jerusalem was kept intact, apart from few headstones, under
Jordanian rule and remains to this day. On the other hand, at the site of the
ruins of the major hisoric Muslim cemetery of Mamilla, in West
Jerusalem, stands the Hilton Hotel ! Besides that 468 Palestinian towns and
villages, including their mosques, churches and cemeterys, in pre- 1967 borders,
were systematically demolished and erased from the face of the earth. That is
not to mention the destruction of total villages like Imwas [Emmaus], Yalu and
Beit Nuba [my own hometown] which were wiped out in 1967, on the direct orders
of Mr. Yitzhak Rabin. As well, since 1967, thousands of Palestinian homes have
been and continue to be bulldozed and demolished by Israel in the West Bank and
It is time for Israel's apologists to begin to look at the
facts and take note of the words of men and women of humanity and honour in
Israel, Like Israel Shahak, Lea Tsemel and Felicia Langer, who relate factually
the horrendous crimes that Israel is perpetuating against the Palestinian
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, M.D.