Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 10:33 AM
Subject: Laden with falsehoods.
May 15, 2002
The Editor:
The Halifax Herald
Dear Editor:
Bob MacLaughlin's letter ["Not that simple' May 15] is laden
with falsehoods. What he calls "the myth of a Palestinian homeland" is Palestne,
the historic homeland of the Palestinians, whose ancestors have lived in this
land since history began, despite numerous alien invaders. Professor Maxime
Rodinson, who is Jewish and the then Proessor of History at the Sorbonne
University in Paris, like many authoritative historians, stated in 1968 : " The
Arab population of Palestine was native in all senses of the word and their
roots in Palestine can be traced back at least forty centuries."
Ironically, Mr. MacLaughlin's letter comes on may 15, the
54th. anniversray of the Palestinian Nakba [the great catastrophe],
when they were systematically ethnically cleansed from their homeland by
massacres and expulsion. He reiterates the fable that the Arabs
invaded Israel in 1948. Before a single Arab soldier entered Palestine,
on May 15, 1948, the Zionist forces had already driven out 350,000 Palestinian
refugees and occupied many cities and towns assigned, in the 1947 UN Partition
Scheme, for the Palestinian state. Mr. Ben Gurion, Israel's first prime
minister, on declaring the creation of Israel, on May 14,
1948, refused to define its borders and stated : " We are announcing the
creation a state in the western part o our country." He stated, in his diaries,
" To maintain the status quo will not do. we have to set up a state bent upon
expansion." He alaso stated that had it not been for the Arab intervention,
Israel would have taken the whole of Palestine and cleansed the Palestinians
completely, as he stated in a letter to his son, Amos, in 1937 that when the
Jewish state comes into being : " we will expel the Arabs and take their
I have stated repeatedly that the killing of innocent
civilians, be they Palestinians or Israelis, is abhorent and must be
condemned. Mr. MacLaughlin objects to the suicide bombers, but,evidently, finds
no fault in the killing of hundreds of Palestinians by F16's and Apache gunships
bombing with rockets, besides bulldozing their homes, and denying them any
medical aid. These acts have been condemned as war crimes by Amnesty
International, ICRC, Human Rights Watch and Israeli human rights groups like
B'Tselem. The few Palestinians who unfortunately revert to the suicide bombing
are young people who see their homes demolished, their parents humiliated and
are subjected to an oppressive occupation and daily humiliation and find
themselves helpless and hopeless. Give them F16's, tanks and Apaches and they
will abandon suicide bombing.
Evidently, Mr. MacLaughlin, like Israel and its leaders,
Sharon etc., have no place for international law and human rights conventions.
The fact remains that Israel is in illegal occupation of Palestinian
territories that stands, for 35 years, in defiance of international
law and repeated UN Security Council resolutions. It is the duty of all those
states and people , besides Israel's apologists, who care for human rights and
international legitimacy, to demand complete termination of this illegal
occupation, so that peace and security can be obtained for both
Palestinian and Israeli peoples.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, M.D.