Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:57 PM
Subject: Maple Flag Excercise.
May 28, 2005
The Editor,
The Halifax Herald.
Dear Editor:
It is perhaps time for Mr. Forsythe {Letter
"Irrelevant to issue", May 28} to come to learn that Canadians of conscience
have not only the right but the duty to object to our government's actions
condoning war crimes and violation of international law. It is not only
Palestinians but other Canadians, including Members of Parliament, who are
outraged by our government inviting the Israeli Air Force to participate in the
Maple Flag excercise.
Mr. Forsythe may be right in his
claim that "the Israelis are are arguably some of the best pilots in the
world". This skill is the outcome of the virtually daily violation of Lebanese
air space and bombardment of defenceless Palestinian refugee camps and
towns demolishing homes, killing innocent men ,women and children and
executing extra-judicial assassination. These acts are in violation of the
Fourth Geneva Convention and are defined by international law as war crimes.
It is our hope that our air force is not in
need to learn these Israeli air force practices. We trust that our
government will not condone these crimes and will adhere to the claim that
it upholds international law and human rights.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, M.D.