Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 2:38 PM
Subject: Turning the truth on its
24 Sept. 2002
The Editor:
The Halifax Herald.
Dear Editor;
If anyone is turning the truth on its head, it is William Safire :
{"Sharon's hard choice" Sept. 24}. Sharon's choice is a longstanding one based
on a policy of expansionism for a Greater Israel through aggression and
massacres, and denial of any peace process that would entail returning to
the Arabs any of their illegally occupied land. He opposed the 1979 peace treaty
with Egypt that required returning Sinai to Egypt. He opposed the Oslo Agreement
in 1993. His policy was to 'transfer' [the Orwellian term for expulsion] the
Palestinians in the West Bank to Jordan. He propagated the policy slogan:
"Jordan is Palestine". He commanded the Qibya massacre in Oct. 1953, long before
Arafat or the PLO were on the scene.
Mr. Safire's proposal is identical with Israeli policy of pushing the
Palestinians into a civil war by having the Palestinian Authority wage war
against Hamas and Islamic Jihad, so that Israel can argue you cannot make peace
with these people, as they are in war against themselves. Perhaps it is worth
reminding Mr. Safire that it was Israel, through its Shin Bet, that encouraged
and supported the creation of Hamas and the Islamic groups in Gaza in the late
1970's and 1980's, to oppose the nationalist movement of the PLO, and create the
strife amongst them.
If Mr. Safire is truly interested in securing peace for Israelis and
tranquility in the region, he should be calling on Israel to terminate
completely its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories of the
West Bank,including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, in compliance with
international law and repeated Security Council resolutions. The continuing
atrocities and daily humiliation to which the Palestinians are being subjected
will achieve nothing but continuing strife and abhorent killing of innocent
civilians on both sides. It is time that Israel is made to abide by the UN
Charter and must not be allowed to remain above international law.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, MD