Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 9:03
Subject: Rewriting Mideast
27 September, 2003
The Editor:
The Halifax Herald.
Dear Editor:
In his letter ["Mideast response" Sept.27], Leon Marcus makes a
litany of falsehoods and fabrications. In the First World war the Arabs fought
against the Ottoman Empire, in alliance with the British and the French, relying
on deceitful promises given by the British government in the Hussein-McMahon
correspondence,1915, which the British never intended to honour, as confirmed in
the Sykes-Picot Treaty,1916. In 1917, the British government issued its infamous
Balfour Declaration, promising to support the creation of a national home for
the Jewish people in Palestine. This fraudulent declaration was best described
by the noted British Historian, Arnold Toynbee, who stated ;" We [the British]
were taking upon ourselves to give away something that was not ours to give. We
were promising rights of some kind in the Palestinian Arabs' country to a third
party." The well-known Jewish writer, Arthur Koestler, summed it aptly,
describing the Balfour Declaration as a document in which " One nation promised
a second the country of a third."
The Palestinians did reject the UN Partition Scheme of 1947 because
it was unjust. Under pressure and intimidation by the US, the UN General
Assembly[UNGA] offered the Palestinian Jews, who constituted 31% of the
population and owned 5.6% of the land, a Jewish state in 56% of Palestine. The
Zionist leaders did not genuinely accept the UN resolution. Menachem Begin, the
leader of the Herut party stated: "The partition of the homeland is illegal and
will never be accepted." David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, on
declaring the creation of the state of Israel, in May 14,1948, he refused
to define its borders and stated: "We are announcing the creation of a state in
the western part of our country." He stated later: "To maintain the status quo
will not do. We have set up a dynamic state bent upon expansion." We are seeing
nowadays the implementation of this policy.
As to the fable, created by the Israeli government and reproduced by
Mr. Marcus, that the Palestinian refugees left their homes on the orders
broadcast by their leaders, this is a total fabrication, which was exposed by
Israeli historians who documented Israel's policy of ethnic cleansing of
the Palestinians, effected by numerous massacres of
Palestinians committed by Israel. This fabrication was systematically
demolished by the Irish scholar, Dr. Erskine Childers, who examined all American
and British monitoring records of all Middle East broadcasts thoughout
1948 and reported : " There was not a single order of appeal or suggestion about
evacuation from any Arab radio, inside or outside Palestine in 1948. There is
repeated monitored record of Arab appeals, even flat orders, to the civilians to
stay put." [ The Spectator. May 12,1961.]
I think The Herald's leaders dserve to know the facts.
Yours sincerely,
Ismail Zayid, M.D.