From: Ismail Zayid
To: Halifax Herald
Cc: Dauphinee, Bev
Sent: Friday,
January 27, 2006 11:41 PM
Subject: Selective criticism
Jan. 27,2006
The Editor,
The Halifax Herald.
In your editorial:{"Hamas's
test" Jan.27}, you lambaste Hamas as a terrorist
organisation and question their democratic status. We
have been told that the US and its allies are in the process
of creating democracy in the Middle East. The Palestinian people, under an oppressive occupation,
have freely expressed their choice, but we are now told that this is not good
enough. The violence and terrorism practiced by Hamas
is a direct result of the brutal illegal occupation that the Palestinian people
have been subjected to for over 38 years. Yet you spare
nor a single word for the continuing violence and state terrorism practiced by Israel. Israeli practices during this
occupation have included extra-judicial assassination, murder of thousands of
innocent men, women and children, by bombing using F16's and Apaches, torture,
demolition of thousands of homes, uprooting hundreds of thousands of olive and
orchard trees, collective punishments, daily humiliation at check points,
denial of health care and expropriation of property for the
creation of illegal colonies[settlements]. All these acts are in violation of
the Fourth Geneva Convention, and are defined by international law, as war
crimes. These acts have been condemned as war crimes and state
terrorism by all international human rights bodies, including Amnesty
International, Human Rights Watch and Israeli human rights groups, including B'Tselem.
in your pages, you include the statement made by Mr. Harper who states
that:" For a nation to be truly democratic, that nation must renounce
terrorism." Is Israel also subject to this rule? Israel from its inception has created
terrorism in the Middle East and continues to practice state terrorism, besides all its acts of
aggression against its neighbours and the repeated
massacres committed. Its leaders and prime ministers, including Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Ehud Barak, Netanyahu and Sharon
have indulged repeatedly in acts of terrorism and war crimes, but these
facts pass unnoticed by our political leaders and media.
It is
incumbent upon our leaders and media to call on Israel to terminate completely its illegal
occupation of Palestinian territory, that has been
allowed to stand for over 38 years in defiance of international law and
repeated Security Council resolutions. Only thus will peace be secure and
assured for Israelis and Palestinians in this tortured land.
Ismail Zayid, MD.