From: Ismail Zayid
To: Halifax Herald
Subject: The height of audacity.
The Editor,
It is the
height of audacity for Mark David [Letter, Nov. 25], to speak of the " 'allegedly' disproportionate response against
Lebanese civilians and their civilian infrastructure" by
As to the
hundreds of women, who stood to defend their homes and the homes of their neighbours, whom Mark David describes as terrorists, from
the criminal attacks by the Israeli bombers and bulldozers, they do not have
the equivelent F16's and Apaches to defend themselves
from these acts of state terrorism, which are in violation of international law
and the Fourth Geneva convention, and have been condemned by all
international and Israeli human rights groups.
David speaks of "Israeli disengagement from
Perhaps, it
is relevant to remind Mr. David and all israel's
apologists that it is time for Israel to terminate completely its illegal
occupation of Palestinian land, that has been allowed to stand for 39 years, in
defiance of international law and repeated Security Council resolutions. It is
only with Israeli compliance with international law and UN resolutions that
peace can be assured for Palestinians and Israelis in this tortured land.