From: Ismail Zayid
Subject: U.N. Resolutions
Canada Palestine Association
The Hon. Mr. John Manley
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
2 Dec. 2000
Dear Mr. Manley:
We applaud our government’s support for the U.N. General Assembly resolution, attesting to Israel’s illegal annexation of East Jerusalem and the imposition of its laws, jurisdiction and administration on illegally occupied East Jerusalem. This vote is in conformity with repeated Security Council and UN General Assembly resolutions. Similarly our governments support for the demand that Israel must withdraw from all the illegally occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem is an affirmation of international law and Security Council resolutions. This oppressive occupation has been allowed to continue for 33 years and must be brought to an end.
We believe that this stand upholds our country’s reputation as a nation that stands for international legitimacy and the U.N. Charter.
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid, MD.
President, Canada Palestine Association.