Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 11:53
Subject: How about an element of
Canada Palestine Association
POBox 1085
Halifax, NS. B3J 2X1
Mr. Stockwell Day, MP.
House of Commons
May 13, 2001
Dear Mr. Day:
We hope that your recent statement before the
Canadian Jewish Congress emanates from ill information and not the blatant bias
that it displays.
Are you aware that Israel has been in
illegal occupation of Palestinan as well as Syrian land for 34
years, in defiance of international law and repeated Security Council
Resolutions? Are you aware that during this occupation Israel has been
committing the most viscious violations of human rights, in violation of
The Fourth Geneva Convention? These include imprisonment
without due process of law, torture of prisoners, demolition of thousands of
homes, including entire towns and villages, illegal expropriation of land and
creation of illegal settlements, and the practice of a racist
apartheid system against those illegally occupied. Are
you aware that these Israeli practices have been vehemently and repeatedly
condemned by internataional human rights organisations including Amnesty
International, the UN Human Rights Commission, the
International Commission of Jurists and Israeli human rights
organisations , including B'Tselem and the
Israeli Commission for Civil and Human Rights?
You speak of the plight of Palestinian
refugees. Are you aware that these refugees were systematically
uprooted from their homes by Israeli leaders through a policy of massacre and
terror? Are you aware that Israel is perpetuating their suffering by denying
them the right to return to their homes in defiance of The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and the repeatedly re-affirmed UN
resolution # 194, that remains defied for over 50 years?
You speak of Palestinian textbooks and
antisemitism. Have you looked at Israeli textbooks and who are the real
racists? Do you know that it was the then Israeli Prime Minister,
Yitzhak Shamir who described the Palestinians as two-legged animals
and the then Israeli Chief of Staff, Rafael Eitan, who described them
as cockroaches and Israeli Chief Rabbi and the Shas
party spiritual leader,Rabbi Yosef, who described the Palestinians
as snakes and called recently for the annihilation of all the Arabs
with missiles and with no mercy?
You refer to the recent Palestinian
Intifada. Are you aware that international law
entitles all peoples, including even the Palestinian people, to resist foreign
occupation of their land? Have you cared to look at the Israeli practices
against mostly teenagers and children throwing stones at soldiers and settlers
occupying their land and hundreds being killed with live ammunition and
rubber-coated steel bullets? Are you aware of the Israeli extra-judicial
murder and assassination using rockets and death squads, in defiance of
international law? Have you seen the Apache attacks and ground to ground
missiles and tanks demolishing the homes of the refugees in their
refugee camps and killing civilian men, women and children?
You refer to monetary Canadian contributions. Let
me bring to you attention my earlier reference to total villages, like
Imwas [Emmaus], Yalu and Beit Nuba [my own home town] being
systematically dynamited and bulldozed at the direct order of the then Chief of
Staff of the Israeli army, Mr. Yitzhak Rabin, in June 1967. No single shot was
fired in these historic villages. Today stands at the sit of the ruins of these
villages the infamy that is called Canada Park, built with
Canadfian tax-deductible dollars, my dollars and your dollars. You may not
object to see your dollars used in an action that violates
international law and all elements of humanity. The inhabitants of these
villages are now refugees and the ruins of their homes and pastures are used to
provide recreation centres for others. I, like many Canadians, including then
members of Parliament, object to having Canada's name associated with such an
atrocity. I would have hoped, as you sometimes speak of balance in Canadian
policy, that you would call on our government to ask Israel to remove Canada's
name from this infamy.
Mr. Day, it is time for you and other politicians
to take note of facts before you speak out and allow the Palestinian people a
modicum of justice. For without justice, I can assure you, there will be no
peace for Arab or Jew in the Middle East.
Yours sincerely
Ismail Zayid, MD.
President, Canada Palestine